Alpha Company, 1st Bn, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, Viet Nam Era
Years of 1965 - 1970 in VN.
2025 Reunion Information
Alpha 1/7 Marines 2025 REUNION
Charleston, SC 29406 / Doubletree Hotel and Suites
April 30 - May 4, 2025
Join your fellow Marines in Charleston, SC for another great reunion!
Costs for Reunion:
$50.00 Registration Fee Per Person (for the BANQUET DINNER, hospitality room, drinks, snacks, etc.)
Total # people _______ Total Registration Fee Enclosed: ______________
Mail check payable to Mike Tyree, and this form to:
Mike Tyree
770 Oak Ridge Lane
Piedmont, AL 36272
Questions: E-mail Mike Tyree at call/text 256-283-6299
(Please print the names of persons attending)
Name(s) ______________________________
Years in Vietnam __________-__________
Doubletree Hotel and Suites / Charleston, SC 29406
Telephone: 843-518-6200
The group code for our reunion is: CDTALP
Click the following Link/ copy into your browser:
Average daily rate: $160 plus tax (14%) When making a reservation, go to "edit stay" and adjust the dates that you will be staying. The average daily rate may adjust (it should go down).
We have a block of 20 rooms with two double beds in each room.
The hotel has a shuttle for anyone flying into the Charleston airport. Upon arrival, call the hotel directly to arrange pickup.
Raffle: Please bring at least one item for the raffle table. Proceeds help fund our next reunion.