Alpha Company, 1st Bn, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, Viet Nam Era
Years of 1965 - 1970 in VN.

In Memory of Members Passed
Alpha Company, 1st Bn, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, Viet Nam Era
Years of 1965 - 1970 in VN.
Marvin D. Ward
Hello! I am the daughter of Marvin D. Ward. I came across the website while doing some research on and am excited. I am hoping to learn more about my Dad's service time. I would love it if anyone has any photos, stories, etc. to share with me.
Angela Ward Dawson
Ed Alloncius
Your father's name sounds very familiar. Do you know what year he was in Viet Nam?
He arrived December 1968.
Marvin D. Ward
Ed, he arrived in VN in Dec 1968.
Ben C. Eyre
. Dear Angela: My name is Ben Eyre and I am in Independence,Mo. I was a L/Cpl in Alpha Co 1/7 and your dad was on many patrols with us. On Jan 29th, 1969 we were set up on operation Lynn River. Some yelled out that a Vietnam gook was running about 100 years out. We all left out foxhole and starting shooting at him. All of a sudden we were taking fire back towards us. I started running back to my foxhole and something hit me in the right side of my jaw. There was blood coming from my mouth and nose. This knocked me to the ground, but I kept crawling toward the foxhole. Two of my marine buddies grabbed me and pulled me into the foxhole and were yelling for the corpsman. Your dad ran through the hostile fire and jumped into the foxhole to help me. I said is my face torn up real bad doc, because it hurts real bad. At this time, your dad reached into his medical bag and pulled out a small hand mirror and held it in front of my face. After wiping away the blood I could see a small laceration, under my right eye, but my face was in tact. Later it was found out it was a bullet and it went through my the tissue below my nose cavity and the roof of my mouth and lodged in the left side of my mouth. If it was not for your DAD keeping me calm and showing me the wound,so I could see my face was ok, I probably would have gone into shock, which could have easily killed me. Your dad saved my life and will always be my HERO. This was eleven days before my 21st birthday. Semper fi and God bless you Marvin Ward. PS. If you send me your address by e-mail or regular mail, I have a picture of your dad and me on Cobb bridge. My address is 1735 N. Pleasant st. Independence, Mo. 64050. My e-mail is My phone is 816-401-3834.